Saturday, August 1, 2015

Superficie powerbank 20000 MAH TRUE phone chrgr for iphone, samsung smart phon

Power Buddy is here! Power Good friend is a 20, 000 mah satisfied built LI ON (Lithium) Juice Charger for any devices such as Cellphone, Samsung, ECig, Speakers, etc .... Merely power buddy is useful, Power Good friend is a SOLUTION to your PROBLEMS. Throughout now day generation people cannot go on without using their smart phones.

iPhone 5 Solar Charger

A weight Hike and phone is running low on Battery? NO PROBLEM!

At a concert and moreover battery is running low regarding phone from recording? NO PROBLEM!

World travel on a long distance trip fearing those phone will run out of electric battery? NO PROBLEM!

Fearing your Power Good friend runs out of battery? NO PROBLEM (USE SOLAR)!

Cycle Life: Charge inside 100% up to 10, 000 Era

1 Power Buddy, 1 Universal serial bus charging cable 3 prawn, 1.5 Power Buddy packaging

do NOT get in touch with unsolicited services or carries

I like solar charger for iPhone 5S. I have many years experience about solar charger for iPhone 5S.More information about iPad solar charger. It is a helpful resource for your refer

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